KCSE Past Papers 2021 History and Government

  KCSE Past Papers 2021 History and Government (311/2)

History and Government - Paper 2 2021- 2.5 Hours

Kenya certificate of secondary education

2021 KCSE Past Paper History Paper 2

1. Identify two forms of government. (2 mark)

2. State two basic methods which the early human beings used to obtain food.(2 mark)

3. Define the term ‘Agriculture’.(1 mark)

4. Give the main reason why the Atlantic Ocean was important in the Trans-Atlantic trade.(1 mark)

5. Highlight two types of indirect democracy.(2 mark)

6. Give two limitations of using motorcycle as a means of transport.(2 mark)

7. Highlight one factor that led to the growth of the ancient city of Athens.(1 mark)

8. Give one reason why Lobengula was defeated by the British.(1 mark)

9. Identify two racial groups that competed for the control of South Africa during the apartheid era. (2 marks)

10. Give the method of administration that was used by the British in Northern Nigeria during the colonial period. (1 mark)

11. Identify two types of nationalism in South Africa during the struggle for majority rule.(2 marks)

12. Name the person who initiated the formation of Triple Alliance in 1882.(1 mark)

13. Name the body that was formed after the Second World War to promote world peace. (1 mark)

14. Highlight two organs of the East African Community,2001. (2 marks)

15. State two common functions of the early urban centres in Africa.(2 mark)

16. State the main function of the House of Commons in Britain.(1 mark)

17. Name one ideological bloc which was involved in the Cold War.(1 mark)

SECTION B (45 marks)

=Answer three questions from this section in the space provided after question 24.

18. (a) State five factors which contributed to the development of agriculture in ancient Egypt.(5 marks)

(b) Explain five effects of Agrarian Revolution in Britain.(10 marks)

19. (a) State five similar effects of early agriculture in Mesopotamia and Egypt. (5 marks)

(b) Discuss five characteristics of the Industrial Revolution in Europe. (10 marks)

20. (a) State five limitations of written records as a source of information in History and Government. (5 marks)

(b) Explain five results of African collaboration with the European in the late 19th century.(10 marks)

21. (a) Identify five senior positions in the Buganda Kingdom during the pre-colonial period.(5 marks)

(b) Discuss have political challenges experienced by the nationalists during the liberation struggle in Mozambique. (10 marks)

SECTION C (30 marks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the space provided

22. (a) Highlight three causes of the Second World War.(3 marks)

(b) Explain six achievements of the Pan African Movement.(12 marks)

23. (a) State three aims of the Non-Aligned Movement.(3 marks)

(b) Explain the main role of each of the following specialised agencies of the United Nations.(12 marks)

(i) The World Health Organisation (WHO)

(ii) The International Monetary Fund (IMF)

(iii) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)

(iv) Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

(v) The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).

(vi) United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).

24. (a) Identify the three arms of government of India.(3 marks)

(b) b)Explain six ways through which the powers of the president of the United States of America are checked (12 marks)



1.Identify two forms of government(2 marks)



iii)Aristocratic /Aristocracy/Oligarchy

iv)Monarchical /monarchy

v)Theocratic /Theocracy

vi)Plutocratic /Plutocracy

2. State two basic methods in which the early human beings obtained food(2 marks)

i)They hunted wild animals

ii)They gathered wild fruits/roots

iii)They cultivated crops

iv)They carried out fishing

v)They kept livestock

3. Define the term Agriculture (1 mark)

Is the cultivation of crops and rearing/keeping of livestock

4.Givethe main reason why the Atlantic ocean was important in the Trans Atlantic Trade(1 mark)

It enabled the movement/transportation of goods/people by ships from Europe/Africa/America

5.Highlight two types of indirect Democracy (2 marks)



iii)Composite/local authority

6.Give two limitations of using motorcycle as a means of transport(2 marks)

i)Frequent accidents

ii)Limited carrying capacity

iii)Affected by adverse weather conditions/Wet weather

iv)It is expensive to use/purchase/maintain

v)It is prone to attacks

7. Highlight one factor that to the growth of the ancient city of Athens(1mark)

i)Its proximity to the port/water transport

ii)Participation in trade/commerce

iii)Its strategic position/surrounded by water/defence site

iv)Cultural centre

v)Educational centre

vi)Religious centre

8. Give one reason why Lubengula was defeated by the British(1 mark)

i)The British had superior weapons than him

ii)Lack of unity among his people/lack of support from his neighbors e.g Shona

iii)British army was batter trained/well organized

iv)Lubengulas soldiers were weakened by small pox

v)British army got reinforcement from South Africa

vi)The fleeing of Lubengula demoralized his people

9. Identify two racial groups who competed for the control of South Africa during the Apartheid Era (2marks)

i)The Europeans/the Dutch/Afrikaners/boers/Whites/British

ii)The Asians/Indians

iii)The Africans/the Blacks

iv)The coloured

10. Give the method of administration by the British in Northern Nigeria (1 mark)

Indirect rule

11. State two types of nationalism in South Africa during the struggle for majority rule(2 marks)




12. Name the person who initiated the formation of the Tripple Alliance in 1882(1 mark)

Otto Von Bismark (accept Bismark)

13.Give the body that was formed after the second World War to promote world peace(1 mark)

The United Nations Organization/United Nations

14. Highlight two organs of East African Community 2001.(2 marks)

i)The secretariat

ii)The Summit

iii)The East African Legislative Assembly

iv)Coordinating committee

v)Council of Ministers

vi)The East African Court of Justice

vii)Sectoral Committee

15. State two common functions of early urban centres in Africa (2 marks)

i)They were administrative centres

ii)They were trade/commercial centres

iii)They were cultural/recreational centres

iv)They were defence centres/security

V)They were transport/communication centres

vi)They were educational centres

vii)They were religious centres

viii)They were mining/industrial centres

16. State the main function of the House of Commons in Britain

It legislates/makes/amends laws

17. Name one ideological bloc which was involved in the Cold War(1 mark)




18.a) state five factors that contributed to the development of agriculture in ancient Egypt(5 marks)

i)The close proximity to Mesopotamia

ii)Availability of water from river Nile /water for irrigation

iii)Existence of indigenous crops/animals

iv)They had visionary leaders

v)Invention of farming tools/ox plough/bronze hoes

vi)Invention of irrigation methods

vii)Availability of fertile soils/silt on the Nile Valley

viii)High demand for food

ix)Availability of labour

x)The Nile Valley was well protected against foreign invasion

b) Explain five effects of Agrarian Revolution in Britain(10 marks)

i)The farmers abandoned subsistence farming in favour of large scale farming

ii)It contributed to industrial Revolution by providing the raw materials required in industries.

iii)There was increased food production due to improved farming methods

iv)It led to mechanization of farming which enabled tilling of large tracts of land.

v)Food was produced in large quantities which boosted food security

Vi)It led to rural urban migration as poor peasants sold their lands to the rich

vii)It boosted trade as surplus Agricultural products were sold locally/internationally

viii)It enhance research /scientific innovation which improved Agricultural production/Royal Agricultural Society

ix)High quality livestock breeds like Fressian cow/Leicester/Suffolk sheep were reared

x)It stimulated the expansion of the transport network thereby easing movement of farm produce

xi)It led to migration of some landless people to USA/Canada/New Zealand/Australia/South Africa in search of opportunities

xii)It led to increase in land prices due to high demand

xiii)It led to population increase due to availability of food

xiv)It led to the emergence of the social classes in the society e.g the poor and the rich

Xv)It led to improved living standards due to increased income from Agriculture

Xvi)t led to unemployment due to farm mechanization

19.a) State five similar effects of early Agriculture in Mesopotamia and Egypt(5 marks)

i)It led to sedentary life/settled life

ii)It led to increased food production

iii)Trading/commercial activities developed

iv)It led to development of urban centres/towns

v)Specialization/division of labour was realized

vii)It led to the discovery of writing/arithmetic/geometry

viii)It caused population increase

ix)It led to stratification in the society

x)It led to the development of religion

b) Describe five characteristics of industrial Revolution in Europe (10 marks)

i)Development of better of transport/road/railways/water which enabled faster movement of


ii)There was large scale production of goods due to use of machines

iii)The increased use of steam power led to efficiency in production of goods/services

iv)There was rise in capitalism as a class of wealthy people emerged/social stratification

v)There was application of scientific knowledge leading to mass production

vi)There was development of trade as surplus manufactured goods were exchanged

vii)There was increased use of iron/steel in the construction of industries/machines

viii)The use of machines replaced human labor thereby lowering cost of production

ix)There was rise of factory system as many industries were established in towns

x)Trade unionism/movement developed as workers agitated for better wages/working conditions/rights

xi)It improved living standards of the people due to income

xii)Factory workers were organized in shifts for continuous production

20.a) State five limitations of written records (5 marks)

i)It takes/consumes a lot of time to read /write

ii)The information may be biased/exaggerated /distorted

iii)They are expensive to buy

iv)Vital information may be omitted

v)It is prone to misinterpretation

vi) Their use is limited to the literate in the society

b) Explain five results of African collaboration with Europeans in late 9th century (10 marks)

i)They acquired western Education/cultural civilization as they embraced western lifestyle/Material

wealth e.g clothes and glassware

ii)They were protected against their enemies,provided with ammunition/gun to protect themselves

iii)Their leaders were given special recognition as they were made paramount chiefs/lost authority/lost power

iv)The collaborators were used to conquer other African communities who were resisting European invasion

v)African communities were dispossessed their land,rendering them squatters/pushed them to reserves

vi)Trade intensified as European goods were acquired by Africans

vii)They lost independence /were colonized

viii)Africans were subjected to forced labour

ix)There was introduction of taxation

21a) Identify five senior positions in Buganda Kingdom during the pre-colonial period(5marks)

i)Katikiro /Prime Minister

ii)Omulamuzi/ Chief Justice

iii)Omwanika /Treasurer

iv)Kabaka /king

v)Mugema /senior chief among the Bataka/Saza Chiefs

vi)Mfumbiro /Chief Bakers

vii)Queen Mother

viii)Queen sister/Ubunga

ix)Musenero/Chief Bakers

b) Discuss five political challenges experienced by the nationalists during the liberation struggle in Mozambique (10 marks)

i)The negative attitude of the church towards FRELIMO /nationalists limited the support by the faithful.

ii)The apartheid administration in South Africa /Unilateral Declaration of Independence(UDI) in Southern Rhodesia helped the Portuguese to fight the nationalists

iii)FRELIMO experienced internal division as a result of ideological differences among the leaders

iv)The Portuguese applied methods of brutal/cruel methods of suppressing nationalist/arrested/detained/impro\isoned/captured/tortured/killed

v)There was disunity among nationalists therefore were unable to forge a common front

vi)The Portuguese had strict laws which outlawed political movement thereby forcing nationalists to operate from other countries/Banned political parties

vii)The assassination of Eduardo Mondlane demoralized the nationalists


22.a) Highlight three causes of Second World War(3 marks)

i)The policy of Appeasement

ii)The Great Depression

iii)Violation of the Versailles Treaty

iv)Growth of nationalism in Europe

v)Failure of the League of Nations to prevent war

vi)Formation of Alliances

vii)The emergence of dictators in Europe

viii)Rise of Adolf Hitler/his ambition

ix)Arms race/rearmament/militarization

b) Explain six achievements of Pan African Movement (12 marks)

i)It laid the basis of the formation of the Organization of African Unity(OAU)which enabled Africa to speak in one voice in international forum

ii)It provided a forum for African nationalists to articulate /discuss anti-colonial sentiments

iii)It restored the dignity of the African people which had been eroded by slave trade/colonization/racism

iv)It created political awareness among the people of African descent

v)It laid the foundation for research on African culture/history/literature which enabled them to understand their status

vi)It strengthened the Africans resolve to struggle against colonialism in Africa

vii)It condemned Italian invasion of Ethiopia through protests in major cities/towns across the world

viii)It put pressure on international community to act against the apartheid regime in South Africa

ix)It created a sense of unity among the people of Africa origin as they had a common origin

23.a) State three aims of the Non Aligned Movement(3 marks)

i)To promote economic independence of member countries

ii)To safeguard sovereignty of member states

iii)To promote neutrality among members

iv)To fight racism

v)To avail funds for improvement in Agriculture

vi)To fight decolonization of the Third World Countries

vii)To pursue an independent policy of peaceful coexistence

viii)To promote active participation of members in UN programs

ix)To work for disarmament

x)To discourage military Alliance by super powers

xi)To ensure favorable terms of trade

xii)It led to the establishment of world economic order to ensure favorable terms of trade

b) Discuss the main role of each of the following specialized agencies of the United Nation(12 marks)

i)The World Health Organization(WHO)

It promotes health in the world by fighting/preventing spread of diseases

ii)The International Monetary Fund(IMF)

It stabilizes currencies of different countries in the World through short term loans

iii)the United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)

It promotes education/science/cultural activities in the world through research/sponsorship.

iv)Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)

it promotes food security by coordinating programmes which enhance food production in the world

v)United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

It promotes conservation of the environment

vi)the United Nations High Commission for Refuges (UNHCR)

It deals with the needs of refugees/ provide shelter/resettlement of refugees

24.a) Identify three arms of government of India (3 marks)

i)The Legislature

ii)The Executive

iii)The Judiciary

b) Explain six ways through which the powers of the president of the United States of America are checked(12 marks)

i)The supreme court may declare a decision /action by the president unconstitutional thereby rendering it invalid.

ii)Presidential appointees are approved by the congress before assuming office to ascertain their suitability

iii)A sitting president may be impeached by the congress if his/her conduct is deemed unconstitutional.

iv)The congress may disapprove the budget to support foreign policy if it disagrees with it .

v)The presidential term is limited to two four year terms by the constitution in order to inject new

thinking/dynamic leadership

vi)The president is obliged to consider public opinion/pressure groups in marking decisions

vii)The press/mass media monitors president’s speeches so as to inform the public accordingly

viii)The pressure groups act to check on the president power/action

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