

 Academic Symposiums

Students that participate in various regional and national symposiums are able to acquire academic exposure and experience in terms of handling academic papers. Additionally, the school has continuously been used as a SCIMA (Science and Mathematics) centre. This is a national event held in this school every year. The aim of SCIMA is to enhance the improvement of Science and Mathematics in participating centres.

National Examinations

Elimu High School students participate in various academic symposiums in conjunction with other schools within and outside Kiambu County. Steered by the motto; ‘Elimu Ni Ushindi’, Elimu High School has continuously posted exemplary results in national examinations (KCSE). The school produces a high number of students that join higher institutions of learning through the University Placement Board.

Academic Departments

Elimu High School has a highly developed system of administration with a view to attain individual and collective goals. Academic Departments are well defined and have the authority to plan their work and execute the same with minimum supervision from the office. This brings out a lot of creativity and motivation from the teaching and support staff. The following is a breakdown of the various Departments and how they are organized:-

Science Department

Science subjects offered are Biology, Physics and Chemistry. There is a Senior Head of Department as well as a Head of Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Science is the back-bone of the school, the school being a science-oriented school.

Mathematics Department

The department has both Mathematics and Computers and is headed by a H.O.D. The school has two computer teachers who handle all the teaching including the non-examinable computer teaching.

Humanities Department

The department is under a Senior Head of Department.

Languages Department

The languages offered are English, Kiswahili, German and French. The Department is headed by a Senior Head and supported by various subject heads.

Technical Subjects Department

The technical subjects department is headed by a Senior Head of Department and supported by various subject heads.. Under this department we have Business Studies and Agriculture.


Our school is a SMASSE center. The school hosts and caters for the Science and Mathematics Teachers during their training.


Nyeri High School was recently appointed as a Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Model (STEM) school by the Department of Education.

SCIMA (Science and Mathematics)

This is a national event held in our school every year. Its aim is to enhance the improvement of Science and Mathematics. This is usually an event of its own kind.

Guidance and Counseling

There is a guidance and counseling committee made up of six members. The department is chaired by a Senior Head. The department offers the following services:

1. Group counseling,

2. Individual counseling, and

3. Also invites resource persons to deliver inspirational talks to the students from time to time.

Career Department

This department is headed by a Senior Head of Department. The department assists the students in the following ways:

1. Selection of University courses,

2. Advising them on how to select subjects in Form Three, and

3. Imparting good study skills.

Opportunity to Learn

The school allocates and protects instruction time, and instruction is part of an integrated, interdisciplinary curriculum, focusing on the curricular content that is most essential and the skills that are most valued.

The Dean of Studies coordinates the analysis of the results for the internal and for the main exams in the school.

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