Mock Agriculture Marking Scheme

 Kenya High Mock Agriculture Paper 2 2021 - With Marking Scheme

Kenya High Mock Agriculture Paper 2 2021 - Questions


1.State four problems associated with nomadic pastoralism method of farming. (2 marks)


2.State one use of the following tools in the farm. (2 marks)

a)Spoke shave


b)Pipe wrench


c)Stock and die


d)Wire strainer


3.Name one exotic dairy cattle breed in Kenya which produces milk with:

a)Highest butter fat content. (1 mark)


b)Lowest butter fat content. (1 mark)


4.Name two dual purpose breeds of dairy cattle reared in Kenya. (1 mark)


5.Name two sources of energy concentrates. (1 mark)


6.Using Pearson’s square method, compute a 100kg ration with 20% DCP from sunflower seed cake which contains 10% DCP and simsim seed containing 60% DCP. (4 marks)

7.Name three livestock diseases transmitted by ectoparasites. (1½marks)



8.Name an intermediate host for the following internal parasites. (2 marks)



b)Liver flukes


9.Give any two reasons for docking in sheep rearing. (1 mark)


10.State two functions of the queen in a beehive. (1 mark)


11.State three maintenance practices carried out on a piggery unit. (1½ marks)



12.State four disadvantages of an electrical fence. (2 marks)



13.State four advantages of using a spray race for controlling parasites. (2 marks)



14.Give four disadvantages of artificial insemination in livestock production. (2 marks)



15.Give any four structural requirements that a calf pen should possess. (2 marks)



16.List two signs of infertility in cows. (1 mark)


17.Give two methods of introducing vaccines to livestock. (2 marks)


SECTION B (20 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

18.Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

(i)Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D and E in the diagram. (2½ marks)






(ii)State the function of each part. (2½ marks)

A………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. B………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. C………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. D………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. E………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

19.Give two reasons why a jersey breed cattle is adapted to arid and semi arid areas. (2marks)


20.The diagram below represents an aerial view of a farm structure. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

a)Identify the structure. (1 mark)


b)Name the parts labeled X, Y and Z. (3 marks)


c)List two roles of the part labeled Y. (2 marks)


21.Give two reasons for carrying out hoof trimming. (1 mark)


22.The illustration below is a farm structure.

a)Identify the structure. (1 mark)


b)Name the parts labeled K, Q and Z. (3 marks)


c)Give four maintenance practices carried out on the above structure. (2 marks)



Answer ANY TWO questions in this section

23.a) Give five functions of vitamins in livestock production. (5 marks)

Describe the importance of colostrum to young animals within the first week of birth. (10 marks)

Outline five advantages of embryo transplant technology in cattle management. (5 marks)

24.a) Mention four methods of water harvesting. (4 marks)

b)Describe the different types of micro catchments used in water conservation. (10 marks)

c)Explain the importance of micro catchments. (6 marks)

25.a) Outline ten factors to consider when selecting gilt for breeding stock. (10 marks)

b) Explain the economic importance of parasites to livestock animals.

Kenya High Mock Agriculture Paper 2 2021 - With Marking Scheme

1.State four problems associated with nomadic pastoralism method of farming. (2 marks)

  • Difficult to control pests and diseases.
  • Overgrazing due to overstocking.
  • Disputes occur.
  • Poor quality animals.
  • No land improvement.
  • No controlled breeding.
  • Little benefit from extension advice.
2.State one use of the following tools in the farm. (2 marks)

  • Spoke shave –
  • Pipe wrench –for holding, tightening and loosening metallic pipes.
a)Spoke shave

  • To smoothen curved wood surfaces.
b)Pipe wrench

c)Stock and die

  • For cutting threads on metal pipes.
d)Wire strainer

  • For tightening fencing wires when fencing.
3.Name one exotic dairy cattle breed in Kenya which produces milk with:

a)Highest butter fat content. (1 mark)

  • Jersey.
b)Lowest butter fat content. (1 mark)

  • Friesian.
4.Name two dual purpose breeds of dairy cattle reared in Kenya. (1 mark)

  • Sahiwal.
  • Red poll.
  • Simmental.
5.Name two sources of energy concentrates. (1 mark)

  • Whole grain of wheat / barley / maize.
  • Sugarcane by-products e.g. molasses.
  • Flour mill by-products.
  • By-products from breweries.
6.Using Pearson’s square method, compute a 100kg ration with 20% DCP from sunflower seed cake which contains 10% DCP and simsim seed containing 60% DCP. (4 marks)

7.Name three livestock diseases transmitted by ectoparasites. (1½marks)
  • (E.C.F) / gall sickness.
  • Heart water.
  • Red water.
  • Nairobi sheep disease.
8.Name an intermediate host for the following internal parasites. (2 marks)

  • Tapeworm – pig/cattle
  • Liver fluke – water snail.
9.Give any two reasons for docking in sheep rearing. (1 mark)

  • Facilitates mating / tupping.
  • Gives uniform fat distribution in the body.
  • Prevents blowfly infestation.
  • Prevents soiling / fouling.
  • Prevent contamination of the urinary tract.
10.State two functions of the queen in a beehive. (1 mark)

  • Lay fertile eggs.
  • Produce pheromones to keep the colony intact.
11.State three maintenance practices carried out on a piggery unit. (1½ marks)

  • Change bedding materials regularly.
  • Repair broken parts.
  • Avoid dumpness.
  • Clean regularly.
12.State four disadvantages of an electrical fence. (2 marks)

  • Require regular charging.
  • Expensive to construct and maintains.
  • Less effective when it contacts vegetation.
  • Is quite dangerous to farmers.
13.State four advantages of using a spray race for controlling parasites. (2 marks)

  • Less labour is required.
  • Spraying is faster.
  • Animals cannot swallow the acaricide solution.
  • Avoids wastage of acaricides / Requires less acaricide.
  • Is most suitable for sick, pregnant and young livestock.
14.Give four disadvantages of artificial insemination in livestock production. (2 marks)

  • Harmful characteristics spread quickly by one bull.
  • Requires skilled labour.
  • Low chances of conception due to death of semen (sperm cells) during long storage.
  • Its labourious.
15.Give any four structural requirements that a calf pen should possess. (2 marks)

  • Easy to clean.
  • Dry and warm.
  • Well ventilated.
  • Well drained.
  • Spacious.
16.List two signs of infertility in cows. (1 mark)

  • Does not conceive after several services.
  • Has no heat signs.
  • Prolonged heat period.
  • Produces abnormal discharge from vulva.
17.Give two methods of introducing vaccines to livestock. (2 marks)

  • Orally / through mouth.
  • Through the eyes.
  • Through the cloaca.
  • Injection.

SECTION B (20 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

18.Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

(i)Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D and E in the diagram. (2½ marks)

A – Ovary.
B – Funnel / infundibulum.
C – Magnum.
D – Isthmus.
E – Uterus.
(ii)State the function of each part. (2½ marks)

Secretes hormone oestrogen.
Releases the ovum / yolk.
B – It’s where fertilization takes place.
C – Addition of thick albumen.
D – Addition of shell membranes.
E – Addition of egg shell.
Shell pigments are added.
19.Give two reasons why a jersey breed cattle is adapted to arid and semi arid areas. (2marks)

  • Requires less food.
  • Hardy.
  • Adapted to high temperatures.
20.The diagram below represents an aerial view of a farm structure. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

a)Identify the structure. (1 mark)

Cattle dip / plunge dip.
b)Name the parts labeled X, Y and Z. (3 marks)

X – Foot bath.
Y – Roof.
Z – Silt tank.
c)List two roles of the part labeled Y. (2 marks)

  • Wash / remove mud from animal’s feet.
  • Control foot rot.
21.Give two reasons for carrying out hoof trimming. (1 mark)

  • Control foot rot disease.
  • Facilitate easy movement.
  • Prevent injury to the ewe during /Tupping.
22.The illustration below is a farm structure.

a)Identify the structure. (1 mark)

  • Fish pond.
b)Name the parts labeled K, Q and Z. (3 marks)

) K – Inlet channel.
Q – Spillway channel.
Z – Outlet channel.
c)Give four maintenance practices carried out on the above structure. (2 marks)

  • Feed the fish daily.
  • Fertilise the pond twice per week.
  • Maintain the water level.
  • Repair the leaking point.
  • Clean and remove foreign materials.
  • Plant grass on the walls to control erosion.
  • Proper fencing to keep off predators.
  • Avoid polluting the water.


Answer ANY TWO questions in this section

23.a) Give five functions of vitamins in livestock production. (5 marks)

  • Promote growth.
  • Help in blood clotting.
  • Help in muscular activities.
  • Prevent diseases in livestock.
  • Act as organic catalysts.
  • Help in bone formation.
Describe the importance of colostrum to young animals within the first week of birth. (10 marks)

  • Highly digestible.
  • Highly nutritious / high nutrient value.
  • Imparts resistance to calves / contains antibodies.
  • Has laxative effect / cleans the calve’s bowels.
  • Is highly palatable.
Outline five advantages of embryo transplant technology in cattle management. (5 marks)
  1. Cost of importing embryos is much less than importing a whole animal.
  2. Highly productive heifers can be spread over a large area in a short period.
  3. Embryos can be stored awaiting availability of a recipient heifer or cow.
  4. Stimulates milk production in a female that was otherwise not ready to produce milk.
  5. Cow / heifer can produce an average of 12 – 15 calves per year.
24.a) Mention four methods of water harvesting. (4 marks)

  • Root catchment.
  • Rock catchment.
  • Wells and dams.
  • Ponds.
  • Retension ditches or level terraces.
b)Describe the different types of micro catchments used in water conservation. (10 marks)

  • Triangular / v-shaped bunds approximately 25cm built with soil from excavated plantingholes to direct run-off water towards the basin area around the base of each plant.
  • Semi-circular bunds – around the growing plant to help hold water around the plantwhen it’s still young.
  • Trapezoidal bunds – a closed large area where crops are grown.
  • Contour bunds / furrows – made along contours or ridges made from buds where cropsare planted.
  • Planting in the holes / pits made and filled with dry planting materials before filing with soil, seedlings then planted in the middle of the hole.
c)Explain the importance of micro catchments. (6 marks)

- Encourages development of natural vegetation around water conservation areas.
  • Support tree growing in degraded lands e.g. overgrazed / overcrowded areas.
  • Make agroforestry possible where water is not available for irrigation by conserving littlerain water received.
  • Help the soil to hold water for a long period near the roots of the growing plant.
  • Reduces continous watering of plants as water collects in a basin around the plant base.
25.a) Outline ten factors to consider when selecting gilt for breeding stock. (10 marks)

  • Good body conformation.
  • Healthy stock without chronic diseases.
  • Fast growth rate.
  • Good temperament.
  • Young in age.
  • Have twelve functional teats.
  • Free from hereditary diseases.
  • High prolificacy.
  • Good mothering ability.
  • Good adaptability.
  • Strong feet / legs.
  • High carcass quality / dressing percentage.
  • Suitability to the enterprise (pork or bacon)
b) Explain the economic importance of parasites to livestock animals.

- Suck blood from host causing anaemia.

  • Lower productivity.
  • Weaken the host animal.
  • Lower the quality of products.
  • Make products unfit for human consumption.
  • Expensive to control / lower profit margin.
  • Cause diarrhoea.
  • Cause irritation / scratching.
  • Cause physical obstruction of internal vessels hence death.
  • Transmit diseases to livestock
  • Lead to general emaciation.

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